Architectonic Philosophy

The novel Architectonic Philosophy was introduced by Bernhard J. Mitterauer in 1989. It is based on the Architectonic Principle that subjective systems or human beings are permanently striving for the realization of their intentional programs dependent on the availability of appropriate material in a broad sense. Since this principle works fundamentally, it may provide an explanatory basis for human existence and behavior.

Historically, the concept of architectonics dates back to the philosophies of Aristotle, Leibniz, Wolff, Kant and Jäsche. In addition, the novel approach of B.J. Mitterauer is based on interdisciplinary research. Basically, the theory of subjectivity of Gotthard Guenther is further elaborated and applied in a comprehensive brain model. The main interdisciplinary topics of the Architectonic Philosophy are these:

  • Brain research
  • Communication theory
  • Ethics
  • Technique (robotics)
  • Psychopathology
  • Religion

The following illustration of book covers and some journal pages may provide a first impression of the Architectonic Philosophy. Since philosophy is best expressed in the mother tongue, the books are written in German. Although each publication focuses on a main domain, the topics of the Architectonic Philosophy are interrelated.

Concerning the complete scientific work of B.J. Mitterauer see